ITV legend, 73, reveals how he went from being a hospital porter to presenting greatest title clash in history

2 days ago 7

ELTON WELSBY was the look of shot connected TV successful the 1980s, agelong earlier the days of outer TV and the Premier League rebrand.

He was the presenter of arguably the top top-flight crippled of them each — erstwhile Liverpool met Arsenal successful the last crippled of the play connected Friday, May 26, 1989.

Portrait of an older antheral   with glasses and arms crossed.PAUL COOPER
Elton Welsby is 1 of football’s astir iconic broadcasters[/caption]
Portrait of Elton Welsby.Welsby was the look of shot connected TV successful the 1980sRex Features

The Gunners needed to triumph astatine slightest 2-0 astatine Anfield to bushed Liverpool to the title.

Welsby handed implicit to Brian Moore for his celebrated Michael Thomas “it’s up for grabs now” arsenic the Gunners dramatically won 2-0 to snatch apical spot from nether the noses of their large rivals.

Elton, 73, is present happily retired but has been persuaded by bully person Gary Cook to constitute his autobiography, Game For A Laugh.

He said: “Gary invited maine connected to his retro podcast a mates of years agone and we conscionable seemed to deed it disconnected consecutive away.

“For implicit an hour-and-a-half I told him a load of my stories and by the extremity of it Gary told maine I had to constitute a publication truthful that others could stock these large aged tales.”

It is casual to recognize however a gathering betwixt the 2 ended successful this autobiography.

Welsby is captivating company, with truthful galore memories of a aureate property of the crippled earlier wall-to-wall football became the fare of the TV fan.

So often we are reminded of iconic players and games via net clips — astir of which we person seen a 100 times.

Michael Thomas scoring the last-minute title-winning extremity   for Arsenal against Liverpool.Getty
Welbsy was the presenter for Arsenal’s iconic triumph implicit Liverpool successful 1989[/caption]
Arsenal squad  celebrating a rubric  triumph   connected  the Anfield pitch.Getty
The consecutive shootout astatine Anfield saw Arsenal triumph the league[/caption]
Black and achromatic  photograph  of Elton Welsby, commentator.Alamy
Welsby worked successful a infirmary earlier starting his vocation successful sport[/caption]


The magic of Game For A Laugh is these are FRESH stories connected giants of shot — including immoderate of Elton’s genuine friends specified arsenic Bill Shankly, Bob Paisley, George Best, Denis Law and Sir Alex Ferguson.

Welsby reflected connected however helium arrived successful the shot media,
He said: “When I near schoolhouse I went to enactment for Royal Insurance successful Liverpool but hated each infinitesimal of it.

“I had to get retired truthful I went and worked astatine Broadgreen Hospital successful Liverpool arsenic a porter. I’d been determination astir 12 months and truly loved it.

“But 1 time I was wheeling a diligent past the infirmary store and saw the Liverpool Weekly News.

“I’d ne'er heard of it. So I bought it, went into the porters’ room, had a cupful of beverage and noticed determination was thing similar 8 pages of sport.

“I needed a vocation and I saw this arsenic a cleanable step. So I wrote disconnected to the managing editor, a feline called Ron Carrington, and the reply backmost was astir immediate.

“I went for an interrogation and was amazed to get a effect wrong 48 hours, saying, ‘Come and articulation us’. That was my commencement successful journalism, which was successful 1970.

“I did 4 years astatine the Liverpool Weekly News but past Radio City was starting up successful 1974 and I applied there.

“Ultimately, moving to Radio City caught the attraction of Paul Doherty astatine Granada TV, and I joined Granada successful January 1978.”

Welsby accepts that journalists’ entree to apical bosses and players successful the 70s and 80s was hugely antithetic to today. But having their spot was paramount.

He added: “There were nary mobiles but if I needed a enactment for Radio City, I’d simply ringing 1 of the Liverpool players astatine home.

“Bob Paisley became a adjacent friend. If Liverpool were playing away, he’d inquire however I was getting to the crippled and archer maine to leap connected the autobus with them.

“And due to the fact that Liverpool were much palmy during that play than my beloved Everton, I was with them virtually 24-7.

“Bob would archer maine worldly that helium shouldn’t person told me. I could person sold truthful galore of Bob’s stories to the nationals and earned rather a spot of money.

“But that was ne'er my way. I was connected the manager due to the fact that Bob trusted me. He was a dear, beloved friend.

“We were connected our mode backmost from a 1-1 gully astatine Middlesbrough successful 1977 and I was sat successful my accustomed spot astatine the beforehand of the bus.

“Bob would often deterioration his slippers and astatine immoderate signifier during the travel he’d plonk himself adjacent to me.

“I said to him, ‘The Boro lad Souness looked good’ and without flinching helium replied, ‘Yes, we are going to motion him’. Bang! Just similar that.

“That communicative would person been a large exclusive connected Radio City but I conscionable had to beryllium connected it. That’s however it was past — I ne'er betrayed a confidence.”

Black and achromatic  photograph  of Bob Paisley, Liverpool F.C. coach, astatine  a 1977 semi-final match.Getty
Welsby was bully friends with Liverpool manager Bob Paisley[/caption]
Graeme Souness playing shot    for Liverpool.Paisley had told Welsby helium was going to motion Graeme Souness for The RedsRex Features

When ITV got exclusive rights to top-flight shot from 1988 to 1992, Elton ne'er missed a crippled presenting The Match.

It started successful October 1988 with Everton against Manchester United and Welsby was determination close done until the past crippled ITV showed, a 2-0 triumph for Liverpool implicit Manchester United, which confirmed Leeds arsenic champions.

And past determination was the top decorativeness ever to a top-flight play — until Aguero, anyhow — arsenic Arsenal’s triumph astatine Liverpool clinched the rubric connected a celebrated Friday night, with Welsby presenting alongside his workplace guest, Bobby Robson.

In the mid-1980s, aft World of Sport had disappeared from our screens, ITV retained a results work programme and Elton anchored the show.

He added: “When I got backmost from the 1992 Euros, I got a telephone from my Granada boss, Doherty, telling maine ITV had mislaid exclusivity to what was past First Division football.

“But helium wanted maine to transportation connected astatine Granada truthful each I truly mislaid was the Sunday afternoons doing The Match.”

Welsby talks fondly astir the icons helium worked with.

He said: “I spell backmost to my vigor days with Bill Shankly — they broke the mould with Bill — nor volition determination ever beryllium different Brian Clough, who I worked with connected galore occasions.

“The information I came done unscathed is simply a large tribute to my narration with Cloughie. He ne'er ever had a spell astatine me.

“But the feline I enjoyed moving with the astir would beryllium Jack Charlton.

“People would often inquire however Jack and I got connected truthful good due to the fact that we’re chalk and cheese. It didn’t matter, we conscionable deed it off.”

As acold arsenic his archetypal emotion Everton are concerned, Elton was sitting connected the seat adjacent to manager Howard Kendall erstwhile they won the European Cup Winners’ Cup successful 1985 — providing the interrogation connected the last whistle with Toffees’ jubilant boss.

He said: “That was the champion nighttime of my life. Nothing could ever eclipse that arsenic an Evertonian, oregon arsenic a professional.”

 GAME FOR A LAUGH, Elton Welsby’s autobiography by Elton Welsby & Gary Cook, is disposable from

Jack Charlton, erstwhile  Republic of Ireland manager, smiling.Welsby said helium enjoyed moving Jack Charlton much than anyone elseSportsfile
 Elton Welsby's "Game for a Laugh," featuring Gary Cook, with a foreword by Richard Keys and Andy Gray.Elton Welsby’s Game For A Laugh is retired now
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