Players forced to flee as football match is interrupted by dust tornado… but hardy fans giggle on sidelines

1 month ago 20

A FOOTBALL lucifer had to beryllium halted pursuing a particulate tornado.

A crippled was taking spot astatine Bogado Island successful Luque, Paraguay but it was brought to a abrupt stop.

Dust tornado astatine  a shot    lucifer  successful  Paraguay.A shot lucifer successful Paraguay had to beryllium halted owed to a particulate tornado
Spectators watching a particulate  devil connected  a shot    field.Fans were near witnessing scenes retired of a Hollywood movie
Dust devil astatine  a shot    field.Some of the fans were heard giggling astatine this sight

A monolithic particulate tornado swept crossed the transportation forcing the players to wantonness the game.

Fans successful attendance watched successful implicit daze astatine scenes akin to a Hollywood movie.

Yet immoderate didn’t look excessively concerned, with a fewer giggling portion witnessing the unbelievable situation.

Someone recorded the full incidental and shared it connected societal media wherever it went viral.

Twitter users were near successful awe arsenic they stormed the comments’ section.

One tweeted: “Someone is playing Age of Mythology.”

Another commented: “Mini tornado astir to instrumentality everyone away.”

A 3rd joked: ” I privation we had played there.”


This instrumentality said: “Ghost walking around.”

And that 1 exclaimed: “Dust devil.”

It is chartless which teams were playing successful what appears to person been an amateur football match.

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