Like Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, Konami and Bloober Team are backmost successful enactment together. Bloober Team announced that it volition continue its partnership with the Japanese steadfast moving connected a caller project.
“The spot built upon the occurrence of Silent Hill 2 laid the instauration for signing different statement for a caller project,” the announcement read. And portion the caller task volition beryllium thing based connected Konami’s IP, the 2 companies did not stock if the adjacent crippled volition beryllium different Silent Hill oregon thing other from Konami’s backmost catalogue. (Hey, conscionable thinkin’ retired large here, but erstwhile was the past Castlevania crippled released? 2014? Oh, OK.)
Konami and Bloober Team paired up successful 2022 erstwhile the companies announced they would beryllium collaborating connected a remake of Silent Hill 2. Due to lukewarm reviews of Bloober’s archetypal fearfulness crippled The Medium, determination was skepticism that the workplace would beryllium capable to propulsion disconnected a remake of 1 of the astir celebrated endurance fearfulness games of its time. But Silent Hill 2 launched to rave reviews and income making it the fastest selling introduction successful the Silent Hill series.
Beyond Bloober Team, Konami is besides moving connected a new, non-remake Silent Hill crippled named Silent Hill F that it debuted successful 2022 but has since provided scant updates. There’s besides a movie adaptation of Silent Hill 2 successful the works with Christophe Gans, the manager of the archetypal (not great!) Silent Hill movie, tapped to direct.