MOVIE prima Stephen Graham landed his nephew’s footie nine with a good and 7 punishment points aft a foul-mouthed rant astatine the referee.
The actor, 51, was investigated by the FA for calling the lucifer authoritative a “fat t**t” and a “f*****g Teletubby” portion helium was a spectator astatine the non-league game.

The Sun told however helium flew into a rage successful beforehand of dozens of onlookers, forcing kick-off to beryllium delayed.
Two months on, the Line of Duty star’s behaviour has resulted successful Barrow Town FC being deed with 7 punishment points and a £190 fine.
The nine admitted failing to power a spectator.
It comes arsenic the star’s caller show, A Thousand Blows, premieres connected Disney+ today.
And it is understood the lucifer incidental came erstwhile Mr Graham was successful highest carnal signifier aft undergoing a strict workout authorities for the boxer role.
A root said: “Graham’s behaviour was perfectly shameless. The club’s present been punished for his actions, which isn’t just connected players oregon fans.
“Nobody tin enactment similar that, adjacent A-list celebrities. He’s fto a batch of radical down.”
The Saturday day crippled connected December 14 was betwixt Barrow Town FC’s archetypal squad and Heather St John’s reserve squad adjacent the star’s location successful Ibstock, Leics.
The Boiling Point histrion was lasting with his son, 17, erstwhile helium accused the referee of being connected a “power trip”.
The ref refused to proceed until Graham walked away.
It is believed the prima phoned the authoritative to apologise later.
- Unlock adjacent much award-winning articles arsenic The Sun launches marque caller rank programme – Sun Club.