The busiest US airline now supports Apple’s AirTag location sharing

2 weeks ago 48
An American Airlines level   parked connected  an airdrome  tarmac. An American Airlines level connected the tarmac astatine the Miami International Airport connected February 19, 2025 successful Miami, Florida. | Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

American Airlines has announced enactment for Apple’s Share Item Location feature, perchance making it easier for passengers to beryllium reunited with mislaid luggage tracked with an AirTag. The hose transported 226,405,000 passengers astir the satellite past year, making it the busiest and 1 of the largest carriers successful the US.

Share Item Location was archetypal introduced arsenic portion of the iOS 18.2 update released past December. AirTag users are capable to make a shareable nexus wrong Apple’s Find My app connected iPhones, iPads, oregon Macs allowing others to entree an interactive representation showing the location, oregon past known location, of a missing item.

The nexus volition beryllium deactivated erstwhile a mislaid point is recovered and the determination sharing tin beryllium turned disconnected astatine immoderate time. The links besides automatically expire aft 7 days.

“We’ve introduced the quality for customers to easy and securely stock the determination of their AirTag oregon Find My web accessory straight with the airline,” an American Airlines spokesperson told View from the Wing’s Gary Leff. “Customers tin make a nexus done Apple’s Share Item diagnostic disposable connected iOS 18.2 oregon aboriginal and stock it with American successful the uncommon lawsuit erstwhile a container is delayed for immoderate trips with a conception from oregon to a U.S. airport. Customers conscionable request to scan the QR codification astatine the baggage bureau to commencement their assertion and supply their information.”

Airlines similar United, Delta, and Air Canada integrated the Share Item Location diagnostic into their mislaid luggage procedures soon aft it was released. Additional carriers, including Lufthansa Group and Virgin Atlantic, announced enactment earlier this month.

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