ADAM FORSHAW appeared to brutally troll Plymouth Argyle aft coming backmost to haunt his erstwhile club.
The Blackburn Rovers midfielder netted the opening extremity against the Pilgrims astatine Ewood Park connected Saturday – having lone near them past month.

The midfielder ran disconnected successful solemnisation and stood successful beforehand of the distant side’s seat with his arms pointing to the sky.
Plymouth manager Miron Muslic appeared unimpressed with Forshaw’s antics arsenic helium stood with his hands successful his pockets.
Tyrhys Dolan netted Rovers’ 2nd extremity of the crippled successful the 78th infinitesimal to wrapper up the win.
Forshaw was connected Plymouth’s books arsenic precocious arsenic January 11 erstwhile his declaration was terminated.
Fans loved the infinitesimal arsenic they reacted connected societal media.
One posted: “First extremity aft 9 years, and this is however helium celebrates.”
A 2nd commented: “Hahaha apical pro.”
A 3rd wrote: “Like that was ne'er written successful the stars.”
A 4th said: “Absolutely nailed on.”
Another added: “Should’ve enactment wealth connected that.”

Forshaw took to societal media aft the crippled to explicate his celebration.
His bizarre excuse claimed that helium was moving towards his family.
He wrote: “No atrocious intentions with the solemnisation and atrocious for however it came across.
“The household were sat down the benches.”
Muslic besides spoke astir Forshaw’s solemnisation aft the game.
He said: “I person thing but respect for Forshaw due to the fact that helium explained that down america was his family, his sons.
“I respect that and if I had scored that beauteous goal, I would spell to my household celebrating.
“He is simply a apical nonrecreational and determination is thing but respect.
“He told maine this and for me, the communicative was done successful a millisecond. We hugged each different and moved on.”