Victoria Song is simply a elder reviewer astatine The Verge who mostly focuses connected wellness tech and wearables and who, she says, occasionally has “existential crises implicit silly gadgets I bought connected TikTok against my amended judgment.” One of her favourite gadgets is the Logitech MX Vertical wireless mouse.
When did you get the Logitech MX Vertical?
I got this rodent successful March 2022, truthful conscionable astir 3 years agone now. But I’ve been a vertical rodent enthusiast since I reviewed the Evoluent VerticalMouse C for PCMag in 2016.
Why did you get it?
I’d been utilizing Anker’s wireless vertical mouse for astir 3 and a fractional years. It yet crapped retired connected maine aft my feline batted it from my desk. RIP. I didn’t emotion that it required a USB dongle for connectivity, and I had lone heard bully things astir Logitech’s mentation from different vertical rodent fans, truthful I opted to ammunition retired a spot more.
What bash you similar astir it?
You tin usage it wired oregon wirelessly, and the artillery lasts months connected a azygous charge. Switching cursor velocity is easy, and it’s got 2 customizable buttons close implicit the thumb. I mostly usage it for guardant and back, but it’s ace convenient. I utilized to get wrist symptom from utilizing regular mice, and present I person zero wrist pain.
Is determination thing astir it that you privation were antithetic oregon that would amended it?
This is kinda gross, but it’s a dormant tegument magnet. Every erstwhile successful a while, you person to instrumentality a cleaning hitch and truly scrub that textured grippy country down, oregon you’ll person crusty, dusty imprints of your hand, bordered by dormant skin. And I bash mean a cleaning wipe. At first, I was wiping this happening down with a teeny spot of soap and a damp insubstantial towel — nope. That aforesaid country besides gets worn down by digit oil, truthful adjacent if you regularly cleanable it, it tin extremity up looking a spot greasy aft a fewer weeks. The bottommost is besides a particulate and feline hairsbreadth magnet. Basically, I cleanable this rodent much than I should person to.
Otherwise, I privation it came successful much colors similar the cheaper Logitech Lift, which comes successful achromatic and pink. I was tempted to switch, but unfortunately, I person soft fingers and the Lift’s smaller size doesn’t enactment for me. Even connected the MX Vertical, my scale and mediate fingers widen beyond the mouse’s edge.
“My wrist symptom disappeared astir overnight”
Who would you urge it to?
Anyone who has hobbies that beryllium connected a healthy, pain-free wrist. Before switching to vertical mice, I had a batch of wrist and manus cramping from utilizing trackpads, regular mice, and each my handwriting. I’ve been moving connected each of that, but it was truthful overmuch harder for maine to set my earthy pen grip than it was to follow a vertical mouse. And I’m not kidding erstwhile I said my wrist symptom disappeared astir overnight — and comes backmost whenever I person to usage my laptop’s trackpad connected a enactment trip.
Anything else?
I’ve been utilizing vertical mice for adjacent to a decennary now, but I distinctly retrieve that it took a fewer days earlier I felt truly comfortable.
Also, the MX Vertical doesn’t person a left-handed version. So if you’re a southpaw, you mightiness privation to look for a vertical rodent exemplary that has some versions. (It’s baffling, but the Logitech Lift has some left- and right-handed versions, adjacent if the MX Vertical doesn’t…)
What other are you doing these days?
These days, I’ve been exploring gadgets that aren’t smartwatches — astute glasses, astute rings, AI wearables, CGMs, and adjacent an NFC nail chip. I’m besides trying to get backmost into different grooming artifact aft I got derailed by a acold and immoderate atrocious weather. (Training blocks are periods of structured workouts wherever you absorption connected a circumstantial goal. My adjacent 1 is going to beryllium a 12-week artifact wherever I effort to amended my 5K moving speed.) Lately, I’ve besides been trying to get backmost into my non-work hobbies, similar calligraphy and scrapbooking.