- Advanced live production: Easily control your favorite tools and platforms
- 32 customizable keys: Instantly trigger unlimited actions with a tap
- Powerful integrations: Elgato game capture, obs, stream labs, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, mixer, Spotify, Philips HUE, vMix, voice mod, and more
- One-touch operation: Change, scenes, launch media, switch cameras, Tweak lighting, adjust Audio, post tweets – anything
- Visual feedback: Know that your command has been executed
- Connectivity technology: USB
Elgato Stream Deck XL – Advanced Stream Control with 32 Customizable LCD Keys, for Windows 10 and macOS 10.13 or Later (10GAT9901)
Last updated on 19:36 Details
Number of USB 3.0 Ports | 1 |
Brand | Elgato |
Series | Elgato Stream Deck XL-Advanced Stream Control, 32 customizable LCD keys |
Item model number | 10GAT9901 |
Hardware Platform | PC |
Operating System | Windows 10 |
Item Weight | 14.5 ounces |
Product Dimensions | 1.34 x 7.17 x 4.41 inches |
Item Dimensions LxWxH | 1.34 x 7.17 x 4.41 inches |
Batteries | Lithium Ion batteries required. |
Manufacturer | Elgato |
Language | English, English, English, English, English |
Country of Origin | Taiwan |
Date First Available | May 25, 2019 |
SouthPaw –
If you haven’t already decided to purchase a Stream Deck you’re probably balking at the price and/or saying “I can do that with a programmable keyboard and some stickers!” And you’d be right… if you weren’t also completely wrong.
Each key is a mini screen that can display just about whatever you want and even change conditionally based on what you have active or pressed last. You can rearrange and re-label those keys and their graphics at will by just dragging them around in the software. Try that with stickers and a key pad! If you want macros the software again makes it much easier than most other devices or scripts do, and you don’t have to assign and remember a keyboard combo to activate it or worry about key conflicts – it’s all contained to that one Stream Deck key.
While it can do nearly anything you can dream up, the Stream Deck’s focus is, of course, streaming. Where it’s just plain nifty in general usage it becomes absolutely indispensable if you’re a streamer. It supports all major streaming software either right out of the box (OBS, Xsplit, etc) or with easily downloaded add-ons (GeForce Experience controls). Just drag and drop the actions to a button and configure what source, scene, etc it points to.
Naturally it integrates with other Elgato products seamlessly. I have one page of my XL dedicated to volume control of my Wave Link sources as well as toggles to change speaker/headphone outputs. If you have Elgato’s keylights it can control those, too. You can even control your Stream Deck with another Stream Deck! (Insert meme here…)
The software is continuously being developed and updated – with the most recent update adding a plethora of sound effects and royalty free music to download and use at will. The open SDK allows third parties to make add-ons, too. I have added controls for Nvidia and TeamSpeak 3 to mine and they work seamlessly, once again eliminating the need to assign and remember keyboard macros.
For gaming, there’s still plenty of uses. While you wouldn’t use it for critical functions like motion or firing, you can still get plenty of uses out of it for things like menu shortcuts, dropping position markers, chat macros, etc. I use my mini to access my most used commands while racing so I don’t have to hunt and peck at my keyboard at 200 mph, for example.
The main con is the price. The standard and the XL will make you pause at first, but I’ve found them to be worth every penny and I’m continuously evolving the way I use them. The mini… is overpriced. Not gonna lie. I got mine on sale at about half price, and I only really recommend it at around that price. The standard and XL pretty much never go on sale, so don’t hold your breath on those two of that’s what you’re after. The other cons, minor ones at that, are the lack of removable USB cable for the standard and mini, and the flimsy stand that I constantly flatten accidentally when I move the standard 15 key Stream Deck around.
So to make a long story longer – if you are a streamer, content creator, or use a lot of macros in your workflow then you will not regret getting a Stream Deck. If you’re looking at it for game purposes, make sure it’s not for fast-paced stuff like movement in an FPS. For flight and racing sims it’s pretty much the perfect “button box” replacement.
Todd Shipp –
I bought this because of the customizable buttons that tie in well with MSFS. It allows me to set up buttons for cockpit controls while flying in the flight simulator. It is good for that.
J. Outland –
Easy to use and a real time saver with Carve software
Claude GIROLET –
Mais a un prix assez élevé (ça reste moins cher de 50 euros que 2 streamdecks 15 touches et vous gagnez 2 boutons)
Après plusieurs mois d’utilisation, j’ai maintenant 4 streamdecks 15 touches + celui ci (ce qui fait 90 raccourcis au total) et je suis toujours aussi content du produit, Elgato est très a l’écoute de sa communauté, on a droit à quelques amélioration bienvenues :
– une base magnétique amovible, on perd le fait de pouvoir choisir l’angle mais le streamdeck ne bascule plus en arrière comme avant.
– un cordon d’alimentation USB-c/USB amovible ! Dit comme ça, on pourrait croire à une amélioration mineure mais croyez moi, le fait de pouvoir mettre un cordon de la longueur que vous voulez, contrairement aux modèles 15 et 6 touches qui eux ont des cordons soudés dans le streamdeck, quand votre pc/mac est un peu loin, c’est galère ! Ici pas de problème, je l’ai relié à un cordon tressé de 2 mètres, ce qui permet de piloter une machine de streaming en étant face à un autre ordi sans avoir à se tourner sans cesse.
les écrans ont aussi été améliorés et gèrent dorénavant les gifs a + de 10 images/secondes même si c’est une fonction que je n’utilise pas beaucoup. la qualité est toujours bonne.
le logiciel est toujours aussi bon, quoique toujours pas de version linux en vue. de plus en plus de personnes/sociétés propose de piloter leur périphérique via le streamdeck (philips hue, nanoleaf, ifttt…).
une autre utilisation possible serait pour les personnes handicapées qui ont des problèmes pour faire des raccourcis clavier complexes, ici ils peuvent être programmés sur une touche unique. je rappelle que le streamdeck peut avoir un profil par défaut qui ne varie pas ou avoir des raccourcis clavier qui varient suivant l’application utilisée (le basculement est automatique).
Bref j’en suis toujours aussi content malgré le prix élevé, surveillez les soldes car des fois cela m’a permis de gagner en moyenne 30 euros sur les streamdecks 15 touches.
*** edition du commentaire : Attention ***
Malheureusement, je viens d’être obligé de renvoyer mon exemplaire du streamdeck xl, qui apres 15 jours sans problèmes, s’est malheureusement mis a fonctionner de façon complétement erratique, les boutons s’activaient tous seuls (et pas qu’un peu, il pouvait ouvrir plus de 400 onglets dans mon navigateur internet en quelques secondes), le streamdeck sortait de la veille de façon aléatoire, j’ai donc fais des recherches auprès d’autres utilisateurs de la version XL et il s’avère qu’en moins de 6 heures après mon signalement d’autres utilisateurs ont signalés le même type de problemes, que ce soit sur PC ou sur Mac, une fois le problème déclenché, impossible de le résoudre :
– Changement du cable usb-c,
– tests sur tous les ports ubs de la machine (avec un démmarrage a froid entre chaque essai),
– changement des profils logiciels avec “oubli” et redétection du matériel sous windows,
rien n’y a fait d’ou retour amazon…
a noter que les autres modèles de streamdecks bien plus vieux fonctionnent parfaitement sur la même machine depuis des mois. Apres avoir contacté Elgato ils se penchent sur le probleme mais pour le moment je ne saurait trop vous conseiller de rester sur des modèles 15 ou 6 touches le temps que ces problèmes avec le XL soient résolus, personnellement sur 5 streamdecks c’est le seul avec lequel j’ai rencontré un problème hardware.
Je pense a une petite erreur de conception puisque le problème se produit uniquement avec ce modèle et autant sous windows que sous iOS, mais Elgato est très réactif et je ne doute pas que les futures modèles de cette série auront contournés la chose (une mise a jour hardware peut être), je vais donc attendre quelques mois et une fois le problème corrigé, j’en reprendrai un.
Edit : J’ai effectivement racheté 2 stream-decks 32 touches un an après et je n’ai rencontré aucun problèmes avec ceux-ci. il me semblait indispensable de le repréciser.
K. Potts –
I myself am a cinematographer and editor (Blah blah blah cameras and movies and stuff) and I purchased this Stream Deck (XL) to improve my productivity while I do my editing. This beats any Macro keyboard or custom keybind kind of thing you could get out there. You can label the LCD buttons with text in the program, as well as put a background image (You can upload your own, or there is an open plugin hub where you can get other people’s custom stuff) to each key. The keyboard usually links to most of my software and I can use the macro buttons, but if it doesn’t, I can set it to press a custom keybind (it also has Function keys as an option all the way from F1 – F24) to do specific tasks like saving a file.
Plugins are usually tailored to specific programs. I have a plugin for DaVinci Resolve Studio, VoiceMod, StreamLabs OBS, and a couple of the other things I like to tinker with.
The keyboard can have more than one saved layout. I have twenty something versions of the board (Some for sound effects for discord, some for editing and working).
There are different plugins for different things. Some plugins are just so you can have more pictures to use on your keys, some plugins are made to work with commonly used software like VoiceMod.
So far, There is NOT a plugin made yet to work with Discord, but like I said before, you can always set custom keybinds to toggle mute, push to talk, deafen, and even share screen.
The Stream Deck functions in a similar fashion to your PC. If your PC is off, so is your Deck. If your PC is on sleep, so is your Deck. It applies for pretty much anything.
LCD keys are bright and combat my extremely heavy studio lighting. I have no trouble seeing each button clearly.
This is sturdy in build (It looks cheap in the picture but it is quite heavy and rugged) and works nicely on the desk. The USB to USB-C cord is a thick braided cable, and will last a very long time if handled appropriately. The back end of the stand is detachable so you can lay the Stream Deck flat. There is traction pads both on the back of the tablet and on the bottom of the stand to stick on your desk nicely. You WILL have to rout the wire through the stand which is a hassle for me personally because of my horrendous lack of cable management, but ultimately It’s worth the money.
The software is easy to install but can be hard to navigate to new users. YouTube is a reliable resource for tutorials if you’ve never used a Stream Deck, and If I’m right, I think El Gato has their own set of tutorials, but I may be wrong so take that with a grain of salt. It is easy to learn, and fun to mess with.
Great product. Design is outstanding, and it’s mostly user friendly. I would recommend using this only for a PC or a Mac, as I don’t think this would be beneficial on other devices. My user experience has been great, and I would recommend this to any editor, gamer, or PC enthusiast as an investment in your capabilities while you work / play.
Jonathan A. Goss –
We utilize this for our YouTube channel, “The Gosslings”, and it is tremendous fun that is easy to use and full of features! Well worth the money. If you’re into making videos for YouTube, you NEED this in your arsenal of kit for added fun and extra capabilities!
Jim Berg –
Easy to use, easy to program, it’s a winner all the way.
John Culbertson –
My wife is an engineering student and in addition to a bunch of shortcuts, she also programmed in the Greek alphabet, +/- and degree symbol so she can more quickly write lab reports.
Mappy –
Parto dicendo che NON consiglio l’acquisto.
Non lo consiglio perché da dipendenza, una volta provato non se ne può più fare a meno, per questo lo considero pericoloso.
In breve tempo ne ho acquistati 2 in versione 32 tasti, il più grande attualmente disponibile.
L’idea di base é talmente semplice da essere disarmante, si tratta di un semplice display sensibile al tocco, le icone che si vedono dentro i pulsanti sono come le icone dei tablet o smartphone, il software impone di posizionarle già centrate con i pulsanti, premendo un pulsante, questo viene riconosciuto dalla parte del display sensibile al tocco esattamente come avviene nei tablet utilizzando il dito, il software esegue la funzione associata.
Per questo motivo i tasti risultano gommosi e non rigidi, non sono adatti per scrivere o per essere azionati rapidamente, tipo sparo per un videogioco, ma sono assolutamente funzionali.
L’unico eventuale problema che potrebbe sorgere nel tempo é relativo alla trasparenza della gomma dei tasti, se ingiallisce o si opacizza diventa poco fruibile.
Ho riscontrato difficoltà nel creare le icone, il software permette di fare alcune cose ma non é adatto se si desidera creare molte icone, in compenso possiamo utilizzare delle icone già fatte che si trovano nel web.
Il software di gestione é già predisposto per molti programmi ma da anche ampia scelta di creare di tutto, qualsiasi tasto della tastiera o combinazione é replicabile, si può lanciare qualsiasi applicativo, compreso lo spegnimento del pc (accenderlo NO!!) ovviamente non si deve credere che sia già tutto pronto e fatto, bisogna imparare a creare i comandi e personalizzarlo, non é difficile ma bisogna dedicarli un po’ di tempo, i risultati sono fantastici.
Il software ha poche regole rigide di conseguenza mi sono trovato abbastanza bene, ovviamente non é possibile inserire un’icona fuori dallo spazio dedicato e non é possibile spostare o cambiare l’icona del ritorno alla cartella precedente (questo solo se si creano sotto cartelle), per il momento ho scoperto solo queste.
Ne ho acquistati 2 per utilizzarli nel piccolo simulatore di guida che ho creato, ormai moltissimi giochi di guida prevedono un numero di comandi pazzesco, con i pochi pulsanti disponibili nel volante non si può fare molto, questi dispositivi sono perfetti, per ogni gioco ho preparato una serie di comandi con relativa icona, in questo modo risulta semplice trovare il comando desiderato, il fatto che siano luminosi é il massimo.
il programma di gestione vede i 2 dispositivi in modo separato, bisogna associare ad ognuno di loro un nome diverso e nel menu principale si seleziona quale si desidera programmare o modificare, é possibile copiare una funzione dal primo dispositivo al secondo e vice versa con il semplice copia, ed é possibile avere 2 differenti programmazioni, non viene riproposto il contenuto del primo anche nel secondo, é possibile farlo se lo si desidera ma sono e restano 2 dispositivi, ad ognuno di loro é possibile anche variare la luminosità dello schermo in modo indipendente, uno più luminoso e l’altro meno se lo si desidera. Terminata la configurazione tramite il suo programma il pc esegue i comandi dei 2 dispositivi ad ogni pressione dei tasti.
Non me la sento di consigliare questo prodotto a chiunque perché necessità di un po’ di tempo per configurare i vari tasti e questo non a tutti é gradito, se sei una persona che invece si diverte (come il sottoscritto) a configurare tutto per bene allora é perfetto.
Mr. Nicholas Wright –
Where has this been all my life? The difference this makes to my workflow is phenomenal..
Its easy to set up, the interface is stable and intuitive and you can program it to do nearly anything you want on your PC.
I`ve been using it with:-
– Normal Windows tasks and shortcuts.
– My D.A.W.`s (Digital Audio Workstations), e.g. Ableton Live, Acid Pro 8, Music Maker.
– Flight Simulation software, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, FSX, Aerofly and others.
– Many Steam Games.
– Calibre, (editing Book metadata etc).
– Accessing favorite websites.
And these are just the things I`ve thought of so far.. Basically if you can do it with a keyboard, then this unit can do it with a single button press, its a macro button unit on steroids.. You can store shortcuts, websites, key combinations or sequences under each button, You can use folders to extend the number of macro`s/buttons available in a profile, you can store different profiles, and you can even play games on it. The device is aimed at streamers but can be used with virtually any windows software to create single button shortcuts.
The device is well constructed and connects via USB 3, it has a USB 3 Type 3 female jack on the actual unit and is supplied with a good quality (replaceable) lead to connect it to a USB 3 Type A connector. (I`m told it will also work on USB 2).
The display is bright and adjustable and can be configured in detail. In addition to button programming or configuration, you can choose what icon each button shows, the font can also be changed.
This is a Highly recommended piece of kit for anyone who wants to increase their workflow, whether they are a streamer or just a normal PC user.
CT –
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On the whole, this device has been excellent! Yes, even with 32 buttons and loads of nesting/subfolders etc, I could do with more buttons on the board. However: it’s just less than a year old and about a month ago, it started playing up. It started by being slow to respond to button presses. Then failing to respond to button presses, then it would crash every few button presses, then it started to crash spontaneously. A couple of times a day at first, now it does it a couple of times a minute! It blips in and out of connection with ANY USB3 port on my system. My computer is about 16 months old at the time of writing this. It’s an i9 9900K with and Asus board with 2070Super and 64GB of DDR4 3000 RAM. My system is also running 4 other cameras (Logitech Streamcam, Logitech Brio 4K, a 4K GoPro Hero8 Black, and iPhone using EpocCam) as well as an Elgato Wave 3 mic and HD60 S+ USB3 Capture card. The Sabrent USB3 hub is mains powered for 60W and plugged into a 5Gps port. There is no reason that the device should not run smoothly, but as you can see from the pic and clip I posted, there is definitely something sketchy going on and now my card is unusable. I’m waiting on Amazon to get back to me to resolve this, after which, I’ll update; but in the meantime, it seams to be a great product while it works, but I’m far from the only one who has had issues with this model and Elgato have been impossible to reach to resolve, so hopefully your long term experience will be better than mine.
Frank L. –
The easiest way to set up pre elected short cuts when podcasting!
Ray Royal –
Lange habe ich gewartet bis es auch in Deutschland erhältlich war. Ich habe schon vieles versucht mit Hotkeys und Makros, jedoch war ich nie wirklich zufrieden. Hat man eine Tastatur mit mehreren Hotkeys, weiß man bei mehreren irgendwann nicht mehr welcher für was genau genutzt ist. Kauft man sich eine Makro-Tastatur muss man diese beschriften, bzw am besten etwas ausdrucken und sieht diese nachts nicht so gut. Will man diese ändern, muss man erneut viel Zeit reinstecken und die Tasten erneut beschriften.
Elgato Streamdeck? Alles per Software über die LCD Tasten konfigurierbar.
Ihr wollt etwas ändern? Passiert in der Software und euer StreamDeck übernimmt dies in Echtzeit!
Streamdeck XL = 32 Shortcuts? Falsch! Ihr könnt Unterordner erstellen und in den Unterordner könnt ihr natürlich wieder Unterordner erstellen, somit könnt ihr nahezu unbegrenzt viele Hotkeys erstellen.
Ich würde euch gerne eine Zusammenfassung mit Positiv/Neutral/Negativ machen, jedoch kann ich wirklich nichts neutrales/negatives berichten, deshalb gibt es eine kurze Zusammenfassung für was ihr es Nutzen könnt.
– Gamer (Hotkeys für Games)
– Streamer (OBS komplett steuerbar, Szenenauswahl, Makros etc)
– Programmierer (Makros)
– Medienbearbeitung (Premiere, Photoshop, alle Adobe Produkte etc.)
– Trading (per API aktuelle Kurse anzeigen lassen, Makros erstellen)
– Auflistung aller Bookmarks mit Bildern = noch schnellerer Zugriff
– Mediensteuerung (Sound, Helligkeit, nächster Titel, letzter Titel, Pause, etc)
und vieles mehr!
Ebenfalls neu bei dem StreamDeck XL – abnehmbares USB C Kabel. Ihr könnt somit ein 3m/5m/10m Kabel nutzen, was zuvor nicht möglich war.
Zusätzlich könnt ihr es aufstellen (Magnethalterung) oder auf den Tisch legen.
Gleichzeitig könnt ihr noch die Helligkeit des StreamDecks steuern.
PS: Ihr könnt die Bilder für die Shortcuts natürlich alle selber erstellen auf der Elgato Key Create Website oder in Photoshop!
Alles in allem eine wunderbare Sache wenn man das nötige Geld hierfür ausgeben will.
Ich hoffe ich konnte euch mit meiner Zusammenfassung weiterhelfen 🙂